Flashy Business Card

Business Card Rev.3
Eric and I wanted a business card that communicated our passion and love for engineering, as well as a few of our competencies and interests. We wanted something that showed what we did rather than simply told. Thus came the Flashy Business Card.
Of course, business cards also need to be cheap, so that you can hand lots of them out to people. We designed this to cost $3.50 for an assembled and programmed card. There are also the options to buy just the unpopulated boards to give out more freely if only contact info is being communicated.
It uses an ATtiny861 and a 3 axis accelerometer (unfortunately, they don't make 1 axis accelerometers) in order to detect the swing of a user's hand, and then displays additional information using swing time estimates. There is a capacitive touch sensor so that the user can select different modes (to display different text strings)!

Business Card Rev.2 (with tilt switch)