Helical Dreams

In Helical Dreams, Team Wireshuffle showcases an impressive defiance towards a traditional understanding of mechanics. The sculpture’s intrigue comes in part from its simple-looking design. There are no additional components tucked away under paneling--one is able to see all the parts and perceive their function with a single glance. The simple design allows for the bold display of the complex mechanics at play.
Helical Dreams uses the flexibility of wire to roll a ball up a helix, warping the wire’s structure continuously so that the ball is able to always roll downhill yet move up the sculpture. It is a design that sounds, and appears, impossible. When one sees the sculpture at work, they immediately feel that it cannot work. Helical Dreams manages to warp the our minds in the same way it warps the wire, inviting us all to travel beyond the traditional understanding of the world and attempt the impossible.

Four Bar Linkage

Final Sculpture